Pre-Insulated Crimpers

Ratchet Crimping Tool For Pre Insulated Terminals
Product Information An extremely popular hand held type triple jaw crimping tool, ratchet mechanism for complete control over the crimping cycle. Use with standard pre-insulated red, blue and yellow insulated terminals from 0.5mm²-6.0mm² Meets compression ratio requirements of BSEN 60352-2:2006 The high precision jaws can be replaced when worn to extend the life of the tool. ... Product Information An extremely popular hand held type triple jaw crim... -
Pre-Insulated Flag Terminal Ratchet Crimping Tool
Product Information Ratchet crimp tool suitable for crimping Red & Blue pre-insulated flag terminals Specially prepared crimping dies allow for the whole terminal to be held whilst providing a successful and efficient crimp Ratchet mechanism ensures the correct pressure is applied to every terminal with no danger of over or under crimping the terminal - the ratchet mechanism is fully... Product Information Ratchet crimp tool suitable for crimping Red & ...